Our Philosophy Of Education
Salem Sayers Baptist Academy (SSBA) and SSBA Kingdom Kids (child development center) exist as a ministry for and partner with parents whose hearts’ desire is to train up their children in the ways of our Lord Jesus Christ. We believe there are two world-views, Biblical and Non-Biblical. We believe it is the Christian’s responsibility to encourage and instruct from a Biblical world-view. We believe,
“The goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and sincere faith”
1 Timothy 1:5
Therefore, our educational focus is to under-gird each student with the fundamentals of the Christian faith and to stimulate them to learn and evaluate knowledge in the light of Biblical truth, to encourage growth of Christian character, and to help them accept their responsibility in faithful Christian service.

Academy Map & Directions
Directions from Loop 410:
We are located 6 miles outside of Loop 410 on the corner of
Hwy 87 and FM 1628 (also known as Stuart Road).
Directions from Loop 1604:
We are located 3 miles inside of Loop 1604 on the corner
of Hwy 87 and FM 1628 (also known as Stuart Road).